An exception occurred when performing a file operation copy on files C:/web/ and C:/web/
The cause of this exception was: C:/web/ (The system cannot find the path specified).
The error occurred in C:/web/ line 92
Called from C:/web/ line 1
Called from C:/web/ line 1
Called from C:/web/ line 92
Called from C:/web/ line 1
Called from C:/web/ line 1
90 : <cfcatch>
91 : <cfset configFolder = ExpandPath('../config/')>
92 : <cffile action="copy" source ="#configFolder#header3-install.cfm" destination="#configFolder#header3.cfm">
93 : <cffile action="copy" source ="#configFolder#footer3-install.cfm" destination="#configFolder#footer3.cfm">
94 : <cfinclude template="../qry_buildSQL.cfm">
Browser |
CCBot/2.0 ( |
Remote Address | |
Referrer |
Date/Time |
12-Feb-25 03:29 AM |